Student Performance on Grade 3 English, by Student Group


Not Available

Percent of Students Passing Grade 3 Reading, 2023

What does this measure?

The percentage of students considered proficient on one of the state's 3rd grade English Language Arts tests, either the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System (MCAS) or the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC).

Why is this important?

Early literacy skills are critical to a successful school experience. Third grade is considered an important milestone in a student's career in terms of reading proficiency and is correlated to whether a student will graduate high school. Up through 3rd grade, students are learning to read; after 3rd grade, they must be able to read in order to learn. There are persistent gaps in academic achievement among students of different races, ethnicities and incomes. Notably, racial gaps persist even among students of similar socioeconomic backgrounds.

How is our region doing?

In 2023, 50% of 3rd graders in MetroWest were considered proficient in reading, down 12 percentage points from 2019. This was higher than the 2023 statewide rate of 44%, which also decreased 12 points since 2019.

Students in MetroWest from economically disadvantaged backgrounds had a reading proficiency rate of 26% in 2023, compared to 63% of those who were not economically disadvantaged. The proficiency rate was highest among the region's Asian students (66%), followed by students who were white (56%), Black or African American (32%) and Hispanic or Latino (23%). Rates for all groups in MetroWest were slightly higher than those at the state level, but the region's racial and ethnic disparities were similar to Massachusetts as a whole. Since 2019, proficiency rates declined between eight and 15 points for all groups in the region.

Among individual districts, the rate was highest for 3rd graders in Weston (81%), Southborough (78%), Hopkinton (77%) and Medfield, Wellesley and Concord (all at 75%).

Proficiency rates were lowest in Waltham (33%), Marlborough (29%), Framingham (27%) and Milford (25%) - most of which have more diverse and more disadvantaged student bodies.

Why do these disparities exist?

Studies point to a variety of factors believed to contribute to disparities in test scores and other measures of student achievement. School systems in the United States are highly segregated, and students of color disproportionately attend schools with high proportions of low-income students who may not have benefited from early learning opportunities at the same rate as other students. Schools also have different levels of resources ranging from qualified/experienced teachers to advanced courses to facilities and technology, and schools with large Black and Latino populations often have lower levels. In addition, teachers across all school systems tend to be disproportionately white, and teaching practices and curriculum may not be culturally relevant to students of color.

Notes about the data

The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education did not administer Spring 2020 MCAS for the 2019-2020 school year due to the cancellation of state assessments and school closures related to COVID-19. As assessments vary among states, it is not possible to include comparable data for the nation in this indicator. Data from earlier years is not comparable due to changes in the state test. Massachusetts students are considered "economically disadvantaged" if they receive assistance though the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Transitional Assistance for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC), the Department of Children and Families' (DCF) foster care program, or MassHealth insurance.

Percent of Students Passing Grade 3 Reading, 2023
All StudentsAsianBlack or African AmericanEconomically DisadvantagedHispanic or LatinoNot Economically DisadvantagedWhite
Middlesex County52%68%31%25%22%64%58%
Norfolk County57%65%32%33%37%66%61%
Worcester County40%64%32%23%20%56%46%
Acton-Boxborough School District64%72%33%41%16%69%68%
Ashland School District60%78%33%28%68%61%
Bedford School District70%85%27%50%71%70%
Bellingham School District39%20%23%49%41%
Carlisle School District66%67%66%
Concord School District75%80%46%60%79%79%
Dedham School District52%17%26%38%61%52%
Dover School District69%93%70%63%
Foxborough Regional Charter38%59%26%30%43%53%
Framingham School District27%61%30%11%9%51%48%
Franklin School District59%75%40%47%63%58%
Harvard School District71%79%76%76%
Holliston School District60%79%29%63%59%
Hopkinton School District77%91%31%50%82%70%
Hudson School District40%29%18%47%45%
Lexington School District72%78%50%41%55%74%65%
Lincoln School District51%27%17%37%59%59%
Littleton School District56%79%42%58%51%
Marlborough School District29%27%17%13%49%46%
Maynard School District41%17%8%49%47%
Medfield School District75%75%75%74%
Medway School District67%37%30%74%73%
Milford School District25%18%15%35%29%
Millis School District49%45%30%50%54%
Nashoba School District64%82%39%33%68%65%
Natick School District66%82%60%38%47%70%66%
Needham School District69%74%32%28%48%74%72%
Sherborn School District71%74%70%
Southborough School District78%92%80%100%78%69%
Sudbury School District71%81%42%33%35%74%73%
Walpole School District61%68%32%24%65%63%
Waltham School District33%64%28%12%14%55%53%
Wayland School District67%86%22%50%72%66%
Wellesley School District75%82%30%36%56%79%76%
Westborough School District57%68%25%25%26%63%59%
Westford School District60%74%41%70%63%55%
Weston School District81%93%75%81%83%
Westwood School District71%60%29%85%75%72%

Source: Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Number of Students Passing Grade 3 Reading, 2023
All StudentsAsianBlack or African AmericanEconomically DisadvantagedHispanic or LatinoNot Economically DisadvantagedWhite
Middlesex County7,8711,4372791,2186076,6514,881
Norfolk County4,1005971736352443,4592,665
Worcester County3,4973491599483992,5342,334
Acton-Boxborough School District233814245209123
Ashland School District115361689967
Bedford School District124333711773
Bellingham School District561054645
Carlisle School District373629
Concord School District16112139148123
Dedham School District103214128968
Dover School District67136542
Foxborough Regional Charter541021183618
Framingham School District18117104631135107
Franklin School District17612218155143
Harvard School District51115135
Holliston School District12726512295
Hopkinton School District2449798235117
Hudson School District732065362
Lexington School District33716981116326106
Lincoln School District533375032
Littleton School District701986249
Marlborough School District112342257073
Maynard School District38413435
Medfield School District15312141134
Medway School District119136106103
Milford School District7530134555
Millis School District46933739
Nashoba School District1319125119113
Natick School District2564562114235177
Needham School District2904261316277201
Sherborn School District514938
Southborough School District1153681110761
Sudbury School District22021578213163
Walpole School District18513116174147
Waltham School District1341411262610776
Wayland School District137244513394
Wellesley School District2204731010210136
Westborough School District16577310715572
Westford School District19973157184111
Weston School District11414910581
Westwood School District1321551112794

Source: Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Percent of Students Passing Grade 3 Reading, 2019
All StudentsAsianBlack or African AmericanEconomically DisadvantagedHispanic or LatinoNot Economically DisadvantagedWhite
Middlesex County64%75%44%39%40%72%69%
Norfolk County68%76%43%47%50%73%71%
Worcester County53%77%42%34%33%65%59%
Acton-Boxborough School District78%87%60%48%45%80%74%
Ashland School District68%86%34%37%74%70%
Bedford School District81%95%38%55%73%84%80%
Bellingham School District58%39%66%61%
Carlisle School District85%86%85%
Concord School District81%79%60%72%83%85%
Dedham School District56%24%36%45%65%63%
Dover School District83%92%85%81%
Foxborough Regional Charter53%82%44%54%53%58%
Framingham School District42%59%27%22%27%59%50%
Franklin School District75%100%36%54%80%74%
Harvard School District73%77%73%
Holliston School District65%82%42%50%67%63%
Hopkinton School District85%95%67%86%82%
Hudson School District57%38%35%64%58%
Lexington School District73%84%29%49%50%75%68%
Lincoln School District54%31%56%63%
Littleton School District69%82%70%67%
Marlborough School District49%89%46%32%36%61%57%
Maynard School District46%30%21%50%50%
Medfield School District80%91%60%81%80%
Medway School District64%33%69%63%
Milford School District51%90%42%36%40%62%54%
Millis School District52%56%54%
Nashoba School District79%56%100%82%77%
Natick School District78%82%61%65%80%78%
Needham School District74%82%46%41%55%76%75%
Sherborn School District78%84%78%
Southborough School District88%100%88%84%
Sudbury School District76%85%42%69%79%76%
Walpole School District72%76%53%41%53%77%74%
Waltham School District50%67%39%33%34%60%66%
Wayland School District75%90%25%36%77%75%
Wellesley School District85%93%63%71%80%86%85%
Westborough School District66%76%42%23%69%65%
Westford School District79%86%64%45%80%78%
Weston School District86%93%75%92%88%87%
Westwood School District86%88%67%87%85%

Source: Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Number of Students Passing Grade 3 Reading, 2019
All StudentsAsianBlack or African AmericanEconomically DisadvantagedHispanic or LatinoNot Economically DisadvantagedWhite
Middlesex County10,1711,5894381,5369578,6236,454
Norfolk County5,0206912436902204,3173,469
Worcester County4,8053731961,1735863,6123,285
Acton-Boxborough School District3031226125291154
Ashland School District12725101011785
Bedford School District16135512814998
Bellingham School District87167183
Carlisle School District535045
Concord School District19811913189160
Dedham School District102420148274
Dover School District66116648
Foxborough Regional Charter76935215522
Framingham School District30619127162235190
Franklin School District25321147239211
Harvard School District585448
Holliston School District1421886134109
Hopkinton School District229618221148
Hudson School District1152179494
Lexington School District4021896198383168
Lincoln School District6386243
Littleton School District8898573
Marlborough School District192166536613996
Maynard School District48734142
Medfield School District159109150138
Medway School District1108102101
Milford School District165954940116102
Millis School District424139
Nashoba School District1871413173161
Natick School District333452820305234
Needham School District3413661118330257
Sherborn School District474336
Southborough School District1192311581
Sudbury School District23223109222177
Walpole School District2031381610187164
Waltham School District21312175458159120
Wayland School District1472734143103
Wellesley School District29550121712278191
Westborough School District18974133176107
Westford School District28995165273174
Weston School District1322591112879
Westwood School District193238185148

Source: Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education

Early Prenatal Care by Mother's Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Children Living in Poverty Maintaining
Children Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Single-Parent Families Increasing
Single-Parent Families by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Disengaged Youth Decreasing
Reports of Domestic Violence Increasing
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Establishments Increasing
Households Without Vehicles Maintaining
Means of Transportation to Work Not Applicable
Households With Internet Access Increasing
Voter Participation Rate Decreasing
Average Charitable Contribution Maintaining
People Without Health Insurance Decreasing
Opioid Overdose Mortality Rate Increasing
Crimes Against People Decreasing
Incarceration Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Tourism Spending Maintaining
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Employment Maintaining
Arts Grants Distribution Maintaining
Arts and Culture Attendance Not Applicable
Change in Total Population Increasing
Change in Population by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Foreign-Born Population Increasing
Language Diversity Increasing
Population by Age Not Applicable
Change in Population by Age/Gender Not Applicable
Seniors Living Alone Decreasing
People with Disabilities Maintaining
Change in Total Jobs by Sector Not Applicable
Unemployment Rate Maintaining
Business Ownership by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Unemployment Rate by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Share of Workers who are Professionals, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Average Salary by Sector Not Applicable
High-Tech Jobs Decreasing
Female to Male Earnings Ratio Maintaining
Prekindergarten Participation Not Applicable
Student Performance on Grade 3 English, by Student Group Not Applicable
School Spending Per Student Maintaining
Student Performance on Grade 8 Math by Student Group Not Applicable
Chronically Absent Students Increasing
High School Cohort Graduation Rate by Student Group Not Applicable
Education Levels of Adults Not Applicable
College Admission Rate, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Education Levels of Adults, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Arts Teachers in Public Schools Increasing
Students Taking Arts Courses Increasing
Students Taking Arts Courses, by Grade Level Not Applicable
Students Taking Arts Courses, by Student Group Not Applicable
Students Taking Arts Courses, by Subject Not Applicable
People Living in Poverty Maintaining
People Living in Poverty, by Education Level Not Applicable
People Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Households Receiving Temporary Assistance Maintaining
Participation in Food Assistance by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Median Household Income Maintaining
Median Household Income, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Living Wage Not Applicable
80/20 Income Ratio Maintaining
Access to Financial Services, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Homeownership Rates Maintaining
Homeownership Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Cost of Homeownership Increasing
Cost of Homeownership, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Cost of Rent Not Applicable
Cost of Rent, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Homelessness Increasing
Early Prenatal Care by Mother's Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Children Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Single-Parent Families by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Establishments Increasing
Incarceration Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Tourism Spending Maintaining
Arts, Entertainment and Recreation Employment Maintaining
Arts Grants Distribution Maintaining
Arts and Culture Attendance Not Applicable
Change in Population by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Business Ownership by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Unemployment Rate by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Share of Workers who are Professionals, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Student Performance on Grade 3 English, by Student Group Not Applicable
Student Performance on Grade 8 Math by Student Group Not Applicable
High School Cohort Graduation Rate by Student Group Not Applicable
College Admission Rate, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Education Levels of Adults, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Arts Teachers in Public Schools Increasing
Students Taking Arts Courses Increasing
Students Taking Arts Courses, by Grade Level Not Applicable
Students Taking Arts Courses, by Student Group Not Applicable
Students Taking Arts Courses, by Subject Not Applicable
People Living in Poverty, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Participation in Food Assistance by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Median Household Income, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Access to Financial Services, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Homeownership Rates, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Cost of Homeownership, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
Cost of Rent, by Race/Ethnicity Not Applicable
